Control Facebook accounts without the Password - FBController

FBController - The Ultimate Utility to Control Facebook accounts without the Password.

Let me clear this again like last time that this utility WON'T hack/crack Facebook accounts.

You need to feed it biscuits (cookies) before you can do anything.

You can get the target’s cookie by sniffing, XSS, social engineering, ARP Poison-Sniffing, Scroogle search or however you like.

Once you have the cookies you can use FBController to have Full control over the target’s Facebook account.

Login to your Facebook account and sniff your own cookie OR collect a few live Facebook Biscuit/s of your Target/s.

Changes in version FBController 2.0 

- You don't have to provide each and every cookie variable in the command parameter.

Just save your cookie into a file and point FBC towards it.

- Many changes have taken place over the time in the FB UI and the Cookie structure as explained on the blog.

- FBConTroller v2.0 now has a menu based Operation making it easier to control.

- FBConTroller as of now can Write onto one's own wall, other's walls, Retrieve Profile Page, Retrieve Friends List and even attempts to Retrieve Inbox and Send Messages.